Thursday, August 27, 2020

Day 9 Online Distance Learning

Day 9 Online Distance Learning

Today is 27 August 2020 and is day 9 of online distance learning.

Today I read a book called Animal X Factor and I did a flip grid video about the book.

I am reading my own book from home called Spirit.

I wrote a story about my dad and why I love him.  It is for the competition that Mrs Thompson has organised.  I have emailed her my poster.

I played the teo reo game Kupu Hono.

I did the chilli 3 and 4 maths tasks about the blue m&m's.

Tomorrow is our last day at home and we are going back to school on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma. Thank you for sharing your learning during Level 3. I am glad you are entering your story into the competition - I am looking forward to reading it. I haven't read the book: "Spirit" What is it about? Maybe you could blog about the story you are reading. Yes, many are looking forward to coming back to school next week! See you Monday. Mrs Fox
